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Taiwan mourns after deadliest train disaster in decades

대만 '최악'의 열차사고… 전국 애도의 물결

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Relatives of victims grief near the site where a train derailed in a tunnel north of Hualien County, eastern Taiwan, 03 April 2021. Taiwan's transportation ministry said 51 people died and many others were injured when a train carrying 490 people derailed in a tunnel north of Hualien in eastern Taiwan on 02 April. EPA-Yonhap
Relatives of victims grief near the site where a train derailed in a tunnel north of Hualien County, eastern Taiwan, 03 April 2021. Taiwan's transportation ministry said 51 people died and many others were injured when a train carrying 490 people derailed in a tunnel north of Hualien in eastern Taiwan on 02 April. EPA-Yonhap
Relatives of victims grief as they pray near the site where a train derailed in a tunnel north of Hualien County, eastern Taiwan, 03 April 2021. Taiwan's transportation ministry said 51 people died and many others were injured when a train carrying 490 people derailed in a tunnel north of Hualien in eastern Taiwan on 02 April. EPA-Yonhap
Relatives of victims grief as they pray near the site where a train derailed in a tunnel north of Hualien County, eastern Taiwan, 03 April 2021. Taiwan's transportation ministry said 51 people died and many others were injured when a train carrying 490 people derailed in a tunnel north of Hualien in eastern Taiwan on 02 April. EPA-Yonhap

Grieving relatives of those who died in Taiwan's worst rail disaster in decades held prayers at the crash site on Saturday as salvage crews worked to remove the tangled mass of wrecked carriages.

수십년 만에 발생한 대만 최악의 철도 참사로 슬픔에 잠긴 유가족들이 토요일 사고 현장에서 기도를 올렸고 구조대원들은 뒤엉킨 객차 잔해를 제거하는 작업을 했다.

Officials said Friday's devastating collision, which killed at least 51 people and injured nearly 190, was caused when a parked railway maintenance vehicle slipped down an embankment and onto the tracks.

관계자들은 적어도 51명이 사망하고 190명이 부상당한 금요일의 충격적인 충돌사고는 주차된 철도시설 정비차량이 경사면을 따라 선로로 미끄러지면서 발생했다고 말했다.

A train packed with as many as 500 people at the start of a long holiday weekend then hit the truck just as it entered a narrow tunnel near the eastern coastal city of Hualien.

긴 연휴가 시작과 함께 약 500명이 탑승한 열차가 동해안 도시 화롄 인근 좁은 터널로 진입하던 중 화물차를 들이받았다.

The truck driver ― who railway officials said may have failed to secure the parking brake properly ― has been released on bail after being interrogated by prosecutors and is barred from leaving Taiwan pending further investigation.

철도 관계자들은 트럭 운전사가 주차 브레이크를 제대로 고정하지 못했을 수도 있다고 말했고 해당 트럭 운전사는 검찰 조사를 받은 후 보석으로 풀려났으며 추가 조사를 위해 출국이 금지되었다.

Around one hundred relatives held an emotional Taoist prayer ceremony near the crash site on Saturday afternoon, shaded under a canopy of black umbrellas.

약 100명의 유가족들이 토요일 오후 사고 현장 근처에서 검은 우산 아래 도교 기도회를 열었다.

Many wept openly as they surveyed the scene, some holding makeshift shrines inscribed with the names of those who died.

많은 사람이 현장을 답사하면서 공개적으로 눈물을 흘렸고, 일부는 사망한 사람들의 이름이 새겨진 임시 사당을 열었다.

Some called out the names of their loved ones as other family members held them tight.

몇몇은 가족들이 꼭 껴안는 와중에 사랑하는 이들의 이름을 부르짖기도 했다.

Rescuers described an appalling scene as they rushed into the tunnel and found the front of the train pulverized into a twisted mesh of metal.

구조대원들은 구조를 위해 터널 안으로 뛰어갔을 때 열차 앞부분이 뒤틀린 철망으로 완전히 부서진 것을 발견했을 때의 끔찍한 장면을 묘사했다.

"Car number eight had the most serious injuries and number of deaths," rescue worker Chang Zi-chen told reporters on Saturday, referring to the most forward passenger car.

구조대원 장쯔첸은 토요일 "8호차에서 가장 많은 부상자와 사망자가 나왔다"고 기자들에게 전했다.

"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly

Hong Ji-min


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