Cardiologist wins award for scientific innovation

Shin Eun-seok
By Kwon Ji-youn

Cardiologist Shin Eun-seok received an award for scientific innovation, the Ulsan University Hospital announced Monday.

Shin, a doctor of internal medicine at the hospital, received the Tesla Award from the International Biographical Center (IBC) in Cambridge, England. The IBC is a publishing powerhouse specializing in biographies.

“I will continue to do my best in researching coronary arteries,” Shin said. “I will also try to make sure my research is centered on practical research to be applied to patients.”

The Tesla Award was named after Nikola Tesla, an American inventor, engineer and physicist best known for contributing to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system.

The award is generally granted to leaders in scientific and technological innovation.

IBC recognized Shin and her colleagues at the hospital for their efforts to expand the technology for treating patients with heart ailments.

She is noted for her dissertation on developing new methods to measure necrotic core and calcium content in coronary plaques using intravascular ultrasound radiofrequency-based analysis.

Shin attended medical school at Chung-Ang University. After graduating, she practiced at Sejong General Hospital and Andong Hospital before becoming a professor at Ulsan University.

Shin has been featured in the Marquis' “Who's Who in the World,” a preeminent publisher of biographical information. She is currently head of the cardiovascular center at the hospital.

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