Hyosung president may face probe

By Kim Rahn

The second born son of Hyosung Group Chairman Cho Suck-rai has asked the prosecution to investigate two suspected cases of embezzlement and breach of trust involving his elder brother, prosecutors said Thursday.

This is the second complaint filed by Cho Hyun-moon, a lawyer, against one of his siblings, reflecting deepening discord within the family regarding a transition of power.

According to the Seoul Central Prosecutors' Office, Cho filed the complaint against his elder brother, the group's President Cho Hyun-joon, and seven former and incumbent executives for suspected breach of trust and embezzlement of company funds.

Cho Hyun-moon claimed that President Cho, who has shares in Nautilus Hyosung, Galaxia Electronics and Hyosung Information Systems, invested money in deals unrelated to the firms' profits and bought stocks in the firms at prices that were higher than the market rate.

"President Cho inflicted tens of billions of won in losses on the companies by conducting such suspicious deals. Executives of the affiliates helped him make the deals," he stated in the complaint.

Hyosung officials responded that it was regrettable that the complaint had been filed against the company that Cho had previously worked for, along with its executives, including his brother.

"Many parts of the complaints differ from the facts. The investigation will find the truth," said a company spokesman.

Cho claimed that in 2011 when the group was changing its enterprise resource planning system, worth 50 billion won, he uncovered acts of corruption committed by several executives but the group did not take any punitive action against them.

After conflicts with group executives over the case, he left the group in September that year. In January this year, he sold all his stakes in Hyosung affiliates held by himself and his son, cutting ties with the group completely.

"I left the group to severe any connection with corruption and live a new life. But the group kept defaming me by spreading false rumors. It even attempted to frame me for corruption by forging documents," he stated in a press release, adding that he will not yield to Hyosung's mudslinging.

He submitted evidence for the corruption allegation along with the complaint, according to the prosecution.

"A company has a public responsibility. Specific individuals used company funds as if it was their private money, and such illegal acts should be rooted out. I hope this investigation can root out Hyosung's corruption and help develop Korea's businesses and capital market more transparently," he said.

Earlier in July, Cho filed a separate complaint with the prosecution against Choi Hyun-tae, who heads the group's two asset management affiliates, for embezzlement and breach of trust.

President Cho and the chairman's third son, Cho Hyun-sang, hold controlling stakes in the two affiliates, respectively, so the complaint was largely targeted at the two brothers, not Choi, group insiders say.

Meanwhile, Chairman Cho is on trial for allegedly evading paying 150 billion won in taxes and embezzling company funds.

Korean Language

효성家 또 소송전…동생이 '배임·횡령'으로 형 고발

조석래 회장 차남 조현문 변호사, 검찰에 고발장 제출

형제간 소송이 진행 중인 효성그룹이 다시 법적 다툼에 휘말리게 됐다.

22일 검찰에 따르면 효성그룹 조석래 회장의 차남인 조현문(45) 변호사는 형인 조현준(46) 사장과 류모 전 노틸러스효성 대표 등 8명을 수백억원대의 배임·횡령 혐의로 서울중앙지검에 고발했다.

검찰은 사건을 조사부에 배당하고 수사에 착수했다.

조 변호사는 고소장에서 노틸러스 효성, 갤럭시아일렉트로닉스, 효성 인포메이션 시스템 등 3개 계열사 지분을 가진 조 사장과 계열사 대표들이 수익과 무관한 거래에 투자하거나 고가로 주식을 사들이는 방식 등을 통해 최소 수백억원에 이르는 손실을 회사에 입혔다고 주장했다.

이와 함께 조 변호사는 2011년 500억원 규모의 그룹 전사적자원관리(ERP) 시스템 교체 과정에서 비리가 발견됐으나 혐의가 있는 임원에게는 아무런 조치가 없고 오히려 자신이 불이익을 받아 회사에서 쫓겨났다고 주장하면서 증거 자료도 제출한 것으로 전해졌다.

앞서 조 변호사는 올 7월 그룹 계열사인 트리니티에셋매니지먼트와 ㈜신동진의 최모 대표를 횡령 및 배임 혐의로 서울중앙지검에 고발했다.

트리니티에셋매니지먼트와 신동진은 효성그룹의 부동산 관리를 담당하는 계열사로 각각 조현준 사장과 동생 조현상(43) 부사장이 최대주주다.

형제들과 후계자 경쟁을 하다 회사를 떠난 조 변호사는 올해 1월 자신과 아들 명의의 회사 주식을 전부 매도하면서 효성과의 지분관계를 완전히 정리했다.

효성 관계자는 '그동안 자신이 몸담았던 회사는 물론 임직원, 형제까지 고소, 고발을 남발해 안타깝게 생각한다'며 '고발 내용은 사실과 다른 부분이 많다. 조사과정에서 왜곡된 주장임이 밝혀질 것이다'라고 말했다. (연합뉴스)

Kim Rahn rahnita@koreatimes.co.kr

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