Lindsey Lohan contracts little-known virus

Actress and socialite Lindsay Lohan posted a photo on Instagram on Dec. 28 with the caption, 'I refuse to let a virus effect my peaceful vacation." / Instagram screen grab

Actress and socialite Lindsay Lohan revealed recently that she has contracted chikungunya, a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes and causes severe joint pain, while vacationing in French Polynesia.

Lohan tweeted a photo of herself riding a jet ski on Dec. 27. She wrote that the picture was taken "before I got chikungya."

The next day she posted a photo of herself with two other people on Instagram, and wrote: "In good faith with good people. I refuse to let a virus effect my peaceful vacation."

Chikungunya is transmitted through mosquito bites. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, rash and debilitating joint pain, TIME reports. The pain can last for months.

The virus has spread rapidly over the last year from Africa to other areas, including the Caribbean and Central and South America.

Korean Language

린제이 로한, 휴양지에서 희귀병에 걸리다

배우 린제이 로한은 뎅기열과 비슷한 질병인 ‘치쿤구니야 바이러스’에 걸렸다고 최근에 밝혔다.

그녀는 폴리네시아 휴양지에서 걸렸다고 전해졌으며, 12월 27일 자신의 사진을 트위터에 올리면서 ‘치쿤구니야 바이러스 걸리기 전’ 이라고 설명한 포스트가 화제가 되고 있다.

그 다음날 인스타그램에 또 올렸으며, ‘좋은 마음으로 두명과 함께, 병에 걸렸는데도 불구하고 휴가를 망치지 않았다’ 라고 올렸다.

타임지에 의하자면 이 질병은 모기로 인해 발생되는 질병이고 몇개월 동안 고통을 가져다 줄 수 있는 병이다.

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