WHO team puzzled by MERS behavior

By Jung Min-ho

Margaret Harris
The World Health Organization (WHO) is looking closely into the characteristics and clinical features of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus, which has clearly "behaved differently" in Korea, a member of the visiting WHO team told The Korea Times, Wednesday.

The government has said that it has not found any genetic mutation in the virus.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare is still looking to find out why it spread more rapidly — with a lower fatality rate — here.

Communications Officer Margaret Harris said there are many other factors to consider before determining why its fatality rate remains below 10 percent, which is much lower than the global average of 40 percent, and its infection rate is oddly high.

"Genetic changes do not necessarily affect how the virus behaves," she said. "What is important is to match a change in the virus' patterns with any changes in genetic makeup. In other words, sequencing only gives us one piece of the puzzle not the whole picture."

She also noted that the joint WHO and ministry team might conduct further sequencing to determine whether the virus has really not changed here.

"In Korea, the death rate is considerably lower, much lower, than in Saudi Arabia. This is an interesting question. Is it because people are less ill or is it the treatment?" She said, "You also need to look at the epidemiology, the effect on the population, along with the change in the genetic sequence until you really know."

She noted that the team is examining whether different treatments here somehow affected MERS patients.

"We are talking to the clinicians who have been looking after the different patients and what they've done and how they've done it," she said. "But certainly, it's some good news that most of the people who have gone to the hospital have done well."

Harris also talked about challenges the team is facing. She said research methods such as a "randomized controlled trial" are very difficult to be used in the middle of an emergency like this.

The results of the team's investigation will be made public Saturday.

Meanwhile, some experts, including Korea University's medical school professor Song Ki-joon and Chung-Ang Universtiy's pharmacy school professor Sul Dae-woo, still remain unconvinced that the virus in Korea is exactly the same one from Saudi Arabia, a test result announced by the ministry last week.

Speaking to No Cut News, a local daily, Sul said the fatality or infection rate could change dramatically even if the viruses are 99.99 percent identical genetically.

"Even one amino acid sequence change can make such a difference," Song said. For example, the genetic makeup of humans and chimpanzees is 99 percent the same but they are very different in many ways, he noted.

Sul also pointed out that ministry should not have used samples from the nation's second MERS patient because it takes time for a virus to mutate. Due to this, he said, the ministry's results are hard to trust.

MERS is caused by a coronavirus, which is known to be adept at adapting to new hosts. MERS is considered as a medical mystery. The disease is widely found in dromedary camels. But most MERS patients have no contact with the animals, like many cases confirmed in Korea. Also, it is unknown how and where the camels were infected with the virus in the first place.

Korean Language

WHO조사단 "학교, 메르스 무관…수업재개 강력 고려해야"

'열·호흡기 질환 증상 있으면 전원 메르스 감염 위험 파악' 권고도

중동호흡기증후군(메르스) 확산과 학교가 연관이 없는 만큼 현재 전국 각지에서 휴업하는 학교에 대해 수업 재개를 '강하게 고려'(strong consideration)해야 한다는 세계보건기구(WHO) 권고가 나왔다.

한국-WHO 합동 조사단은 10일 우리 보건 당국에 전달한 '첫 번째 한국 정부 권고사항'에서 '한국에서든 다른 국가에서든 학교가 메르스 바이러스의 전파와 관련이 있었던 적이 없었다'며 이처럼 밝혔다.

조사단은 9일부터 삼성서울병원 등 주요 메르스 발병 지역을 찾아 바이러스의 발병 원인과 전파 형태 등을 확인하고 있다.

조사단은 이어 '전국 모든 시설에서 감염 예방 및 통제 조처를 즉각 강화해야 한다'고 강조하며 열이나 호흡기 질환 증상이 있는 환자는 모두 메르스 감염 위험 여부를 파악해야 한다고 권고했다.

즉 ▲ 메르스 환자와 접촉했는지 ▲ 메르스 환자가 치료받은 병원을 방문했는지 ▲ 증상 발현 전 14일 이내에 중동에 갔다 온 적이 있는지를 물어 이에 해당하는 모든 환자는 보건 당국 신고를 거쳐 확진 검사 결과가 나올 때까지 '의심 환자'로 관리해야 한다는 것이다.

메르스 환자와 밀접하게 접촉한 사람은 증상 발현 여부를 관찰하는 기간 내에는 외부 이동이 제한되어야 한다고 조사단은 덧붙였다.

조사단은 '지금껏 나온 증거로는 한국의 메르스 발병은 과거 중동 의료기관에서 일어났던 메르스 발병과 양상(pattern)이 비슷한 것으로 보인다'고 분석하면서도 '현 상황이 빠르게 변하고 있고 조사가 진행되고 있다'고 신중한 견해를 보였다.

조사단은 13일 오전 언론 브리핑을 통해 국내 메르스 사태에 대한 최종 평가 결과를 발표할 예정이다.

한국에서는 지난달 20일 첫 환자가 확인된 이후 빠르게 전염이 진행돼 10일 기준 확진자가 108명으로 늘고 이중 9명이 숨졌다. 발병 사례 면에서 사우디아라비아에 이어 세계 2위 규모다.  (연합뉴스)

Jung Min-ho mj6c2@koreatimes.co.kr

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