Gain, Joo Ji-hoon declare war on sex video rumors

Joo Ji-hoon, Gain / Korea Times

By Bahk Eun-ji

K-pop diva Gain, a member of Brown Eyed Girls, and her actor boyfriend Joo Ji-hoon say they will take legal action against anyone spreading rumors about a sex video allegedly featuring the couple.

"The rumors are totally groundless," Joo's agency said in a statement. "We will be merciless in punishing those who spread the rumors."

Gain's agency issued a similar statement, warning those who spread such malicious rumors, and a media outlet that reported them without checking first would "pay the price."

The rumors started Wednesday evening with short clips from a sex video that instantly went viral online. The clips show a couple having sex, but do not reveal their faces. But rumors have spread claiming the clips are of Gain and Joo.

Bahk Eun-ji

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