Green Cross to supply immunoglobulin drug to Brazil

Green Cross Corp. has won a contract to supply its immunoglobulin drug worth $42.9 million to Brazil next year, the company said last week.

The deal is the largest for the company's export of IVIG-SN, a plasma derivative drug that treats primary immunodeficiency disorders that weaken or destroy the immune system's ability to fight infectious diseases.

The deal is a 67 percent increase from last year's exports of IVIG-SN to Brazil, which totaled $25.7 million.

The IVIG-SN immunoglobulin drug / Courtesy of Green Cross Corp.

"The successful bid will provide new momentum for Green Cross to increase its exports of the immunoglobulin drug and other plasma derivative products," a company spokesman said.

IVIG-SN is the Korean pharmaceutical firm's signature plasma derivative product. Seventy percent of its sales come from exports.

The injection drug is sold in more than 30 countries in Asia, the Middle East and South America.

Park Yoon-bae

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