'You can achieve your dreams'

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon
Congratulations to the winners and families of the sixth Korea Multicultural Youth Awards. I am deeply thankful to The Korea Times for organizing this meaningful event every year.

In the next three years, the multicultural population will come to exceed 1 million. They have already become a proud part of the Korean society.

They have also helped to raise awareness. But there is much more work to get done. The government will increase support to help families establish stable lives here and educate their children. We will endeavor raise awareness about multiculturalism.

There is no national boundary in your families. The boundaries only exist in people's minds and in institutions ― the government will work to eliminate them.

The 21st century is an era of globalization. It is a period in which diversity and openness serve as assets and integration is essential.

You can all achieve your dreams. The government will cheer you on.

I wish you all a wonderful new year. Thank you.

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon

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