1356-English defeat French at Battle of Poitiers

1796-George Washington's farewell address as president

1846-Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning elope

1849-First commercial laundry established in Oakland, California

1873-Black Friday: Jay Cooke & Co fails, causing a securities panic

1890-Turkish frigate "Ertogrul" burns off Japan, kills 540

1928-Mickey Mouse's screen debut (Steamboat Willie at Colony Theater NYC)

1940-Nazi decree forbids gentile women to work in Jewish homes

1945-Lord Haw Haw (William Joyce) sentenced to death in London

1957-First underground nuclear explosion (Las Vegas Nevada)

1959-Nikita Krushchev is denied access to Disneyland

1980-Titan II missile explosion (Damascus, AR)

1981-Simon & Garfunkel reunite for a NYC Central Park concert

1983-St. Christopher-Nevis gains independence from Britain (Nat'l Day)

1985-9,500 die in Mexico's earthquake (6.9)

1986-Fed health officials announce AZT will be available to AIDS patients

1988-Israel launches first satellite for secret military reconnaissance

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