K-BEAUTY worldwide: SOAK brings Korean beauty products to U.S. market [VIDEO]

Video by Lee Min-young, Kim Kang-min

Once you visit the Soak Lifestyle website, you will notice how many great Korean skin products that you have never heard of are out there for picky Korean consumers to use.

Soak is a skin curating company that started off as an online beauty magazine that deals with Korean skin products. Soak's CEO Judy Kim uses her online blog to promote Korean skincare brands and bring high quality products to the U.S. cosmetics and skincare market.

"Americans know that Korean products are good but they just don't know what to choose. I thought there weren't enough information out there for average Americans who love to take care of their skin and are interested in Korean products." Judy said during a collaboration project with Korean cosmetics brand Pony Effect.

While working directly with Seoul-based marketers, brand managers, and executives in the Korean beauty industry and help promoting their new launches, Judy has many connections with the entertainment world and works with a lot of foreigner influencers so that Korean brands could reach out to potential customers worldwide through social media platforms.

Lee Min-young minlee@koreatimes.co.kr

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