[3 THINGS SERIES] 3 best foods KOREANS eat to COOL DOWN spicy food [VIDEO]

Hi, guys! This is the second video of our culture series, THREE THINGS.

For our second episode, The Korea Times Video team took on the challenge to eat one of the most popular Tteokbokki in Korea for being extremely spicy, "YUPKI TTEOKBOKKI" and looked for the TOP THREE effective remedies for cooling down a burning mouth after eating spicy food among NINE different food known for having a cooling effect.

Then to prove that they actually work for foreigners as well, we invited our Korea Times Editor Celeste and continued our experiment.

If you're curious about what to do and where to visit in Korea, don't hesitate to let us know. We will make 3 selections for you. Thank you!

Lee Min-young minlee@koreatimes.co.kr

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