'Stop the self-praise': Doctor shows frustration over Korea's COVID-19 response [VIDEO]

Video by Lee Min-young, Kim Kang-min

The swift response from the Korean government to combat COVID-19 has been praised by many other countries as they were experiencing difficulty dealing with the virus by the time when Korea was already seeing a sharp decrease in the number of newly infected cases.

When the Korean government was busy blowing its own horn, doctors of the Korean Medical Association (KMA) were left frustrated. The group has been giving medical advice to the goverment for policy decisions.

"In early February, we urged the government to deny entry to everyone coming from China." Bang Sang-hyok, vice president of the KMA said. "I believe the government decided not to take the advice for political and economic reasons, which is unfortunate because human lives can be lost as a result of such decisions."

Lee Min-young minlee@koreatimes.co.kr
Kim Kang-min ymloo3@koreatimes.co.kr

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