The book that changed everything

By Kim Ae-ran

What would be the book that can change everything? Many inspiring books can change our lives and perspectives. Among them, I would dare say that the Bible is the most inspiring book that can change everything.

Recently, "The Book That Changed Everything," a picture book written by Sister Allison Regina Gliot and illustrated by Santiago Maria Lopez Piuma, was published by Pauline Books & Media.

Sofia, the protagonist in this story, has so many books because she enjoys reading. Being an avid reader, she spends all her time exploring the world of words in a library. But she feels something is missing.

One day in a dream, she finds a book that feels like a friend calling out to her.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I am the Word of God. My name is Jesus."

"Jesus? I read about you in the book!"

"You were not just reading about me, Sofia. I was speaking to you. That book is my voice. Whenever you read it, we are together."

Now, reading the Bible, Sofia spent time with her friend, Jesus, every day. She learned about his mission, promises and love.

Jesus asked, "Do you like my book, Sofia?"

"Yes, more than anything!"

"Would you like to hear the rest of the story?"

"There's more?"

"The people in that book lived a long time ago. When they followed me, they told other people about me, and those people also learned to listen to my voice. I never stopped talking to them and to all my new followers who came later. The story continues in the Church I made right up to today. Right up to you, Sofia. Sofia, will you be a part of my story? Will you follow me?"

"Oh, yes, please! I want to follow you forever!"

"Then, come my little one. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I have so much to show you."

This story reminds me of a short story about a shoemaker named Martin Avdeitch. This story is known as "Martin the Cobbler," but the original title is "Where Love Is, God Is," a short story written in 1885 by Russian author Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910).

Martin denied God because of the suffering he underwent. But as he began to read the Bible every day, his perspectives underwent a dramatic transformation, and through compassion and sharing with others, he experienced the presence of God among those who were in dire need.

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me … Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:35-36, 40)

The author is a member of the Daughters of St. Paul. Please feel free to visit her blog "A piece of sunshine" at

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