Korea, US discuss cooperation in software supply chain security

Participants of the third meeting of the Korea-U.S. Cybersecurity Senior Steering Group in San Francisco, May 10, are seen in this photo, provided by the Presidential Office. Yonhap

Participants of the third meeting of the Korea-U.S. Cybersecurity Senior Steering Group in San Francisco, May 10, are seen in this photo, provided by the Presidential Office. Yonhap

Korean and U.S. officials discussed ways to cooperate in software supply chain security as part of their growing partnership in cybersecurity issues, the Presidential Office said Saturday.

The two sides held the third meeting of the bilateral Cybersecurity Senior Steering Group (SSG) in San Francisco, Friday (local time), led by Cybersecurity Secretary Shin Yong-seok from the Presidential Office and White House National Security Council (NSC) Senior Director for Cyber Policy Matthew Curtis.

They discussed issues such as protecting critical infrastructure, countering global cyber threats, and reviewing the operational status of working groups.

In addition, "our delegation explained the government's recently announced software supply chain security policy to the U.S. delegation and shared views on cooperation involving the private and industrial sectors," the Presidential Office said in a press release.

The SSG was jointly launched by the National Security Office under the Presidential Office and the White House NSC in June 2023 to facilitate common action against global cyber threats. (Yonhap)

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