AIA Life Insurance promotes importance of good mental health

Children participating in a social contribution event organized by AIA Life Insurance enjoy their time with football star Son Heung-min, center, in this July 2023 file photo. Courtesy of AIA Life Insurance

Children participating in a social contribution event organized by AIA Life Insurance enjoy their time with football star Son Heung-min, center, in this July 2023 file photo. Courtesy of AIA Life Insurance

By Yoon Ja-young

People mostly think only of their physical health, but it is also closely linked with their mental health. In a study by University College London, patients suffering from severe depression experienced 29 different physical problems, including diabetes, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bacterial infections, back pain and osteoarthritis.

Cases abound of mental health influencing physical health. The World Health Organization (WHO) thus defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Aware of the correlation between physical and mental health as well as a healthy society, AIA Life Insurance has been engaged in the AIA One Billion (AOB) campaign to support "healthier, longer, better lives" for people. The initiative addresses four key areas: physical health, mental health, financial health and environmental health, and aims to enhance the health and well-being of individuals and promote sustainable growth in local communities.

As a part of this effort, AIA Life Insurance has created a garden to help people easily improve their mental health in their daily lives. As a participant in the 2024 Seoul International Garden Expo, the insurer is providing Seoul residents with a chance to take a break in nature and look back on the meaning of healthy living.

AIA Life Insurance has also been continuing its mental health support activities for children and adolescents, including sponsoring a creative film festival where children can turn their dreams into movies. Last year, it operated a booth at the festival to help children develop a healthy attitude in areas such as emotional expression, physical activity, finance and nutrition.

It has also been organizing music concerts and art therapy for children with pediatric cancer, as well as providing emotional support for the socially marginalized. In July last year, it invited children with pediatric cancer and their families to an event where they could play with football star Son Heung-min, who is the insurer's promotional ambassador, and participate in an art therapy program.

It also expanded beneficiaries beyond children, running the Youth Mental Health project since 2022 to support young people. Those who have to leave shelters after becoming adults are also the concern of AIA Life Insurance. It has been providing scholarships, emotional support and mentor programs for teenagers who soon have to leave shelters.

"AIA Life Insurance has been supporting diverse members of society of all ages to enjoy healthier, longer, better lives. We will continue efforts to maintain physical, mental and social health together and lead a truly meaningful healthy life," a spokesperson for the insurer said.

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