Hyundai Motor Group donates hydrogen bus to Jeju firefighters

Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Chung Euisun, second from left, poses with National Fire Agency (NFA) Commissioner General Nam Hwa-yeong, left, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Deputy Governor Kim Ae-sook, second from right, and Ko Min-ja, chief of NFA's Jeju headquarters, inside a hydrogen electric bus, donated by the automotive group, in Jeju Island, Thursday. The group said it donated the firefighter recovery support vehicle to enhance the welfare of firefighters in the Jeju area who are responsible for public safety. Newsis

Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Chung Euisun, second from left, poses with National Fire Agency (NFA) Commissioner General Nam Hwa-yeong, left, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Deputy Governor Kim Ae-sook, second from right, and Ko Min-ja, chief of NFA's Jeju headquarters, inside a hydrogen electric bus, donated by the automotive group, in Jeju Island, Thursday. The group said it donated the firefighter recovery support vehicle to enhance the welfare of firefighters in the Jeju area who are responsible for public safety. Newsis

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