High schooler in Busan creates, sells obscene deepfake videos of female classmates

Deepfake is a compound word combining the words 'deep learning' and the word 'fake,' referring to fake images created using artificial intelligence technology. Gettyimagebank

Deepfake is a compound word combining the words "deep learning" and the word "fake," referring to fake images created using artificial intelligence technology. Gettyimagebank

By KTimes

A high school student in Busan has been caught using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to create and sell obscene videos by superimposing the faces of female classmates onto pornographic content. Similar crimes are occurring among teenagers nationwide, prompting urgent calls for relevant countermeasures.

According to officials from the Busan Office of Education on Wednesday, the office is investigating a second-year high school student, referred to only as A, on these charges.

A used AI's deep learning technology to superimpose the faces of female students from his school and nearby schools onto pornographic videos. This is known as deepfake content creation.

He sold these deepfake videos to an unspecified number of people through social media networks. He even disguised the videos to make it appear as though the female students in the videos were selling the videos themselves.

In online conversations with buyers, A set different prices for the videos based on whether the female students were in elementary, middle or high school.

He went so far as to collect and post reviews from buyers on social media. Multiple female students were reported to have fallen victim to his crimes. The high school has taken measures to separate the perpetrator from the victims.

Teenagers' deepfake crimes are continuously occurring as the Jeonbuk Provincial Police Agency announced that it is currently investigating 13 cases of illegal pornographic deepfake content.

Recently, the police sent seven male middle school students from Jeonju City to the prosecution on charges of committing digital sexual crimes.

To prevent the distribution of such criminal videos online, the police have requested the Korea Communications Standards Commission to delete and block the content.

Last month, two high school students from Goryeong, North Gyeongsang Province, were investigated on similar charges for creating and sharing composite nude photos of female classmates.

This article from the Hankook Ilbo, sister publication of The Korea Times, is translated by generative AI and edited by staff of The Korea Times.

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