Hangeul didn’t become Cia Cia’s official writing

Mistranslation causes media hype over Korean writing system

By Lee Tae-hoon

Contrary to the media hype, the Cia Cia tribe, a group of 70,000 on the remote Indonesian island of Bau-bau, has neither received central government approval for the adoption of Hangeul as its writing system, nor has it made such a request, sources told The Korea Times Wednesday.

"The mayor has not requested the government's approval for the adoption of Hangeul," Ibnu Wahid, an official from Bau-bau, said.

Hangeul was taught for a total of 37 hours to some 50 fourth graders last year at an elementary school in Bau-bau and now it is being taught to some 190 students in two schools, the sources said.

The tribe gained attention over the past year for allegedly being the first foreign ethnic group to officially adopt Hangeul.

In July this year, a host of media outlets ran stories claiming that Bau-bau Mayor Amirul Tamim said the Indonesian government had finally authorized the adoption of Hangeul as the tribe's official alphabet to preserve their dying language.

Chun Tai-hyun, a professor of Malay and Indonesian linguistics at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, points out that those reports were groundless and based on a mistranslation of Tamim's comment.

"Mayor Tamim only mentioned that official discussions have begun and he was consulting with the central government over the adoption of Hangeul in a media interview," he said. "However, the media wrongfully translated his remark as if he had received formal acknowledgement from the government."

The Indonesian Embassy in Seoul also refuted reports that its central government had officially authorized the adoption by the Cia Cia.

"It would be wrong to assume that Mayor Tamim said the central government has approved the adoption of Hangeul," Nuradi Noeri, first secretary at the embassy, said, after reviewing the original video footage of the controversial interview.

He noted that all news reports, except The Korea Times' Jan. 28 article, "Quest to globalize Hangeul raises questions," have been misleading.

The Cia Cia is one of some 700 Indonesian tribes which use the Roman alphabet, the official writing system of the country, as they only have their spoken language.

Professor Chun, who first proposed the idea of adopting the Korean alphabet to the Bau-bau mayor in 2007, claims that the official adoption of Hangeul by Cia Cia will be unlikely to happen as Indonesia's Basic Law stipulates that all tribal languages should be preserved in Roman characters for national unity.

Lee Ho-young, a linguistics professor at Seoul National University and author of the Cia Cia's Hangeul textbook, also acknowledged that the press exaggerated the "official adoption" of Hangeul by the tribe.

He attributed the media frenzy over the "Indonesian government's approval of Hangeul" to Korean media outlets' excessive pursuit for breaking stories and the fondness of the terms, "official" and "first."

"I have only mentioned that the mayor has been coordinating the matter with the central government of Indonesia, but the media ran stories as if the government had officially approved it," he said.

Not only the Korean press but also foreign news media showed interest in Korea "officially exporting" its 564-year-old writing system, following the Hunminjeongeum Society's signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Bau-bau City in Aug. 2008.

The Hunminjeongeum Society is a private think tank founded in 2007 by Lee Ki-nam, a retired real-estate agent. She had tried and failed to export Hangeul to other tribes in China, Mongolia, Nepal and Thailand.

Officials of the Hunminjeongeum Society could not confirm whether Hangeul has become the official writing system of the tribe, but said they assumed that the Indonesian government has approved it based on media reports.

Both Chun and Lee Ho-young said they were expelled from the society over their objections to its management and for raising concerns over its failure to keep a promise to build a Korea Center in Bau-bau.

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