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Australia Business Council, AustCham to host meeting

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By John Redmond

AustCham Korea and the Australia Business Korea Council will host a town hall meeting to discuss the proposed Australia Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA) at Macquarie office in Seoul on Nov. 8.

Lasting from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (with light lunch provided) the event is being sponsored by Meat Livestock Australia and Macquarie.

"AS our members will no doubt be aware, the Australia Korea FTA has been a key initiative for the Australia Korea business community," states a press release.

"Recently, negotiations toward concluding an FTA appear to have stalled and an agreement seems some way of."

"Join us in a discussion to understand the areas of difference between the Australian and Korean negotiators and share suggestions for advancing the FTA in 2013."

Reservation is essential and numbers are strictly limited. No admission without advance registration and confirmation of acceptance from AustCham Korea.

For reservations contact

Macquarie office is located on the 3rd floor of Hanwha Building at 10 Sogong-ro, Jung-gu.


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