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Where in the world is Kim Han-sol?

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Kim Han-sol
Kim Han-sol
By Rachel Lee

Speculation is rampant over the whereabouts of Kim Jong-nam's son, Kim Han-sol, and other family members, with the Malaysian police waiting for their assistance for a DNA test.

Media reports say they could be under China's protection in Macau. No family members have come forward since the assassination of the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Malaysia last week. China is also keeping mum about whether it is protecting them.

Earlier this week, the 21-year-old son, Han-sol, was said to have arrived in Kuala Lumpur, but Malaysian authorities said any of family members have yet to visit the Kuala Lumpur Hospital, where Kim Jong-nam's body is being kept.

There is speculation that the Chinese government or Macau authorities could have helped Kim Han-sol to depart from Macau in secret. Kim Han-sol was believed to be living in an apartment in Macau with his mother Ri Hye-kyong and his 19-year-old sister Kim Sol-hui under China's protection.

It is also possible that Kim Han-sol has already arrived in Malaysia through a VIP passage at the airport with his diplomatic passport like his father.

Observers say, however, that Kim Han-sol would not visit Malaysia due to fear of himself as well as other family members becoming Kim Jong-un's next targets. Kim Han-sol is believed to be the last surviving male of the "Baekdu" descent flowing from North Korean state founder Kim Il-sung to Kim Jong-il and his father Kim Jong-nam.

Some watchers say Pyongyang could have already sent a warning message to the Ri family threatening to execute them, if any of them were found to have provided a DNA sample, which would have made it difficult for Kim Han-sol to cooperate with Kuala Lumpur.

"Once Malaysia obtains a DNA sample, North Korea will start pressuring Kim Han-sol's mother Ri Hye-kyong in any possible way," a North Korea defector said.

Born in Pyongyang in 1995, Kim Han-sol moved to Macau after his father reportedly fell out of favor with his grandfather Kim Jong-il in the early 2000s.

Kim Jong-nam was killed after being poisoned by two women as he was preparing to board a flight at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Feb. 13. At least eight North Korean nationals were involved in the assassination, according to Malaysian police.

The North, however, has called the case the death of "a citizen of the DPRK bearing a diplomatic passport" through its Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), referring to the dead man as "Kim Chol," the name on the passport found with Kim Jong-nam. It said the person "fell into a state of shock before boarding an airliner and died on the way to a hospital in Malaysia."

The Malaysian media reported Wednesday that police officials flew to Macau to meet Kim Han-sol, who had agreed to provide a DNA sample. But the police chief denied the reports the next day.

His sister Sol-hui may visit Malaysia on Sunday and provide DNA samples for the identification process, The Telegraph reported Thursday quoting a Malaysian security source.


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