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Anti-corruption agency begins preparation for IACC

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Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission Chairwoman Pak Un-jong, right, and an official from Transparency International hold an agreement signed to foster cooperation between the organizations ahead of the 2020 International Anti-Corruption Conference in Seoul after signing it at the commission's headquarters in Seoul, Friday. Courtesy of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission
Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission Chairwoman Pak Un-jong, right, and an official from Transparency International hold an agreement signed to foster cooperation between the organizations ahead of the 2020 International Anti-Corruption Conference in Seoul after signing it at the commission's headquarters in Seoul, Friday. Courtesy of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission

By Kim Yoo-chul

Three anti-corruption agencies have formed an alliance to prepare for the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), the largest global anti-corruption event, to be held in Seoul, June 2020.

In a statement, the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission of Korea (ACRC) said it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Transparency International (TI) and the International Anti-Corruption Council (IAC) for the upcoming event.

The conference is the biggest global anti-corruption forum that brings together around 2,000 anti-corruption practitioners including minister-level senior public officials from about 140 countries worldwide, as well as civil and international organizations, said the ACRC.

"The parties to the MOU will fulfill their respective roles and responsibilities stated for the success of the event. South Korea could share its anti-corruption experiences and lessons learned
with the world, strengthening global cooperation in the anti-corruption area and taking a lead in global integrity efforts," ACRC Chairperson Pak Un-jong said in the statement.

The conference will consist of five plenary sessions and 50 workshops where each government and civil organization shares experiences on building a corruption-free nation and seeking ways to root out corruption, according to the statement.

There will also be various side events that could engage young participants in their 20s and 30s such as anti-corruption film festivals, anti-corruption music concert and anti-corruption youth activities, which could enhance young people's understanding of corruption issues.

Kim Yoo-chul


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