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Samsung Display supplies OLED panel for ASUS laptops

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Seen are Asus' notebooks that use Samsung Display's 14-inch, 90-hertz OLED. Courtesy of Samsung Display
Seen are Asus' notebooks that use Samsung Display's 14-inch, 90-hertz OLED. Courtesy of Samsung Display

By Baek Byung-yeul

Samsung Display is expanding into high-end displays for laptop computers as it has begun mass production of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with a high refresh rate, the display arm of Samsung Electronics said Thursday.

The company said it has begun supplying its OLEDs to Taiwanese notebook maker Asus. Its displays support a 90-hertz refresh rate and are used in Asus' latest laptops such as the 14-inch Zenbook and the Vivobook Pro.

A high refresh rate decreases signal latency and enables smoother scrolling and clearer images.

With an increase in demand for computers featuring high-quality displays, Samsung Display said it will continue developing high-quality OLEDs for laptops.

"OLEDs have a much faster response speed so it can result in better image quality compared to LCDs. It turned out that our 90-hertz OLEDs have better image quality than 120-hertz LCDs," the company said.

"When the same image was played on each display, the 90-hertz OLED showed a 0.9 millimeter blur length, about 10 percent shorter than on the 120-hertz LCD," the firm added. Shorter blur length results in crisper images and clearer movement when watching motion on screen.

In addition to the 14-inch 90-hertz OLEDs, the company also began mass-producing 16-inch 4K OLEDs for the first time in the industry. They will be used for Asus' Zenbook and Vivobook Pro.

"The demand for laptops is increasing steadily as working from home and remote learning become the new norm," said ASUS's PC BU product marketing center vice general manager Y. C. Chen. "OLEDs can meet consumers' various needs as they're using laptops for school, virtual meetings, video streaming, gaming and more."

Samsung Display has supplied OLED products to global computer makers such as ASUS, Lenovo, Dell, HP, and Samsung Electronics.

"The 90-hertz OLED panel offers more options for consumers who are looking to enjoy high-performance content on their laptops," Samsung Display said. "With our innovative OLEDs, we're further pioneering and leading the market in display technologies that offer superior image quality."


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