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Angelic people

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By Kim Ae-ran

Have you ever experienced that you are healed and refreshed during sleep? Do you believe in the communal presence of guardian angels among us?

I do believe in the helping and guiding hands of guardian angels in our life. Surely, there are many angelic people with goodwill around us. A certain supernatural and mysterious power constantly accompanies us in the midst of the human network.

During our mission trips to Canada for two months, I constantly felt the presence of guardian angels supporting and guiding our journey. Especially whenever I meet volunteers, collaborators, benefactors or cooperators with goodwill and generosity, I am deeply touched by their open hands and attentive care akin to that of guardian angels. I really appreciate their faithful presence along the path of life.

Thanks to warm-hearted and generous people, the results of the mission are also fruitful. Looking at the process and its fruitfulness, I always appreciate the mysterious presence of guardian angels and the power of prayers coming from friends, family and community.

In one of the collaborators' houses, I noticed many figures of angels decorated in each room. Probably, it seemed that she, living alone, is comforted by the consoling presence of angels all around.

One of my favorite prayers is a prayer to one's guardian angel: "Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God's love entrusts me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen."

In our prayer tradition of the Pauline Family, the first Thursday is dedicated to the guardian angel.
So, we pray to know our guardian angels better, to be delivered from the deceits of the devil in spiritual and material dangers, and to follow our angels in their attention and efforts to lead us to heaven.

How consoling and inspiring the constant presence of guardian angels is! Even during sleep, I feel the inspiring guide of guardian angels faithfully accompanying my steps.

On a pilgrimage to some of the old Catholic churches on the East Coast of Canada, the images of angels drew my attention. The various images of angels appear here and there in the construction of the churches.

As heavenly protectors, guides, intercessors and God's messengers, angels either appear in human form or in their true form to deliver heavenly messages, especially during a time of desperate need and hopelessness. Gabriel, Michael and Raphael are some of the names of angels mentioned in the Bible.

Physically or in a dream or vision, angels appeared to Abraham, Lot, Daniel, Zacharia, Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, Peter in captivity, John in prison, Mary Magdalene, the apostles, Philip, Cornelius, Herod and Paul. During the devil's temptations, angels also appeared to Jesus.

By welcoming three strangers, Abraham accepted God into his midst in Genesis 18:1-15. An angel appeared to Joseph in his dream and directed him what to do.

"Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels." (Hebrews 13:2)

"Pay it forward" is an inspiring movement to do something kind and useful for someone because someone else has done something good for you. It describes the beneficiary of a good deed repaying the kindness to others instead of the original benefactor. An angel invites another angel, and the cycle of goodness goes on and on.

The author is a member of the Daughters of St. Paul. When available, please feel free to visit her blog, "A piece of sunshine," at


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