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Man jailed for assaulting woman after being told to leave ladies' room

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By Jung Min-ho

A man has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for brutally assaulting a woman after being asked to leave the ladies' room at Busan Station last year.

The Busan District Court convicted the man, in his 50s, of inflicting severe injuries including a skull fracture on the victim, in her 50s, in an obvious attempt to kill her on Oct. 29.

He told police later that he was upset because of her complaint about him being in the ladies' bathroom.

Investigators had initially considered pressing assault charges against him. But after securing evidence that he repeatedly and specifically struck her head and other body parts near vital organs, the prosecution indicted him on an attempted murder charge instead.

He was also ordered to wear a location-tracking electronic anklet for 10 years after finishing his time behind bars.

Judges rejected his claim that he did not have an intention to kill her, saying he was apparently aware of that risk.

"After rendering her unconscious in a brutal attack, he left the scene, knowing the possibility of her death," the court said. "It was unprovoked violence aimed at a random person, which he deserves a heavy penalty for."

Jung Min-ho


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