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Gov't designates Oct. 1 Armed Forces Day as temporary holiday

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Korean soldiers march down the street to celebrate the 75th Army Forces Day at Seoul Air Base in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, Sept. 26, 2023. Newsis

Korean soldiers march down the street to celebrate the 75th Army Forces Day at Seoul Air Base in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, Sept. 26, 2023. Newsis

The government on Tuesday designated Armed Forces Day on Oct. 1 as a temporary holiday this year to boost troop morale and domestic consumption.

A motion to designate the holiday was passed during a Cabinet meeting and will be sent to President Yoon Suk Yeol for approval.

The designation, which came at the request of the ruling People Power Party, adds an additional public holiday to the current two in October — National Foundation Day on Oct. 3 and Hangeul Day on Oct. 9.

It marks the first time that Armed Forces Day will be celebrated as a public holiday since 1991, when it was excluded from the list of the country's public holidays.

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo speaks during a meeting at the Government Complex Seoul in Jongno District, Seoul, Sept. 3. Yonhap

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo speaks during a meeting at the Government Complex Seoul in Jongno District, Seoul, Sept. 3. Yonhap

"By designating this year's Armed Forces Day as a temporary holiday, the government plans to heighten public interest in the importance of national security and remember the role of our armed forces and the hard work of our troops," Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said during the Cabinet meeting, noting the serious security situation at home and abroad due to North Korea's continued provocations and the conflict in the Middle East.

"Strong security is the foundation of a country and a pillar supporting our economy," he added. "I hope our troops, who even at this moment are sweating on the front lines of national defense for the country and the people, will gain a morale boost and a heightened sense of duty amid the people's support."

The defense ministry welcomed the move, saying that heightened public interest will help bolster troops' morale and combat power.

Also during the meeting, the Cabinet approved three bills recently passed by the National Assembly, including a bill aimed at assisting victims of "jeonse" home rental scams.

Jeonse is a unique Korean system whereby tenants give landlords a large returnable deposit instead of paying monthly rent.

Under the bill, jeonse fraud victims will be allowed to lease public housing for up to 20 years. (Yonhap)


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