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Seoul's Gimpo Airport area to turn into urban air mobility hub by 2030

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An rendering of the Urban Air Mobility take-off and landing site that will be built near Gimpo International Airport in western Seoul by 2030 / Courtesy of Seoul Metropolitan Government

An rendering of the Urban Air Mobility take-off and landing site that will be built near Gimpo International Airport in western Seoul by 2030 / Courtesy of Seoul Metropolitan Government

By Lee Hae-rin

The area around Seoul's Gimpo International Airport will be redeveloped into an Urban Air Mobility (UAM) hub by 2030, the Seoul city government said Sunday.

The Gimpo Airport Innovation Zone, comprised of three blocks, will be built on 350,000 square meters of land in the Gimpo Airport Innovation District in western Seoul's Gangseo District, according to the city.

The first block, now a parking lot for the airport's domestic terminal, will host a complex transfer facility, including a UAM take-off landing site. The UAM take-off and landing site will be located on the fifth to seventh floors of the facility.

The second basement floor and the first floor of the building will feature a public transit transfer platform that gives riders access to taxis, subways and express buses.

An elevator will connect the public transportation transfer facility and the UAM take-off and landing site. The project is scheduled to be completed by 2030.

"Commercial and cultural facilities, international conference halls and hotels will also be built" on the site, the city added.

The second block of the zone will feature aviation businesses and educational facilities, replacing the water pump stations currently installed in that area.

Housed on the third block will be high-tech industrial facilities, studio apartment buildings and public facilities. The site now serves as a cargo warehouse.

Also, tech clusters, such as for mobility, will be established on the third block to attract related businesses.

The city plans to use development profits from creating a high-tech industrial cluster to expand public and other facilities.

It will offer discounts on the rent of nearby shopping malls and studio flats to residents near Gimpo Airport and on public parking fees.

"We are also planning to hire local residents first for resident companies in the innovation district," a city official said.

The city government plans to complete the basic plan for the innovation zone by next year and begin construction after receiving approval for the project implementation plan by 2027.

The 2.964 trillion won ($2.2 billion) project is slated to be completed by 2030.

Lee Hae-rin


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