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Basketball player Heo Ung cleared of sexual assault allegations

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Professional basketball player Heo Ung / Korea Times photo by Choi Joo-yeon

Professional basketball player Heo Ung / Korea Times photo by Choi Joo-yeon

By KTimes

Police have cleared professional basketball player Heo Ung of the Busan KCC Egis of allegations of sexually assaulting and injuring his ex-girlfriend, citing KakaoTalk messages between them as key evidence.

According to the Seoul Suseo Police Station, Sunday, Heo, who was accused of sexual assault and causing injury last month, was found not guilty. Police decided not to forward the case to prosecutors.

Heo's ex-girlfriend, identified as A, filed a complaint on July 9, claiming that Heo assaulted her and forced her into having sexual intercourse during an argument at a hotel in Seoul between May 13 and 14, 2021.

However, evidence submitted to the police by Heo's side showed that A sent messages to Heo on May 14, 2021, saying, "Have a good trip and contact me when you're done," and "Do you love me?" while using a pet name.

In Korea, sexual assault is often referred to as quasi-rape. It involves sexual acts performed on someone who is incapacitated due to alcohol, sleep, or other factors that prevent them from resisting. However, the messages suggested A was capable of holding a conversation at the time.

Heo's legal representative, attorney Bu Ji-seok, told the Hankook Ilbo, a sister publication of The Korea Times, "The complainant initially sought charges of rape and injury but later switched to quasi-rape, which is easier to prove. However, quasi-rape requires the victim to be unaware of the incident, and we provided evidence that disproved this claim."

The two met in December 2018 through a mutual acquaintance and dated for about three years. On June 26, Heo's side filed a complaint with the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul against A, alleging attempted extortion, threats, and violations of the Stalking Punishment Act. They claimed that since May 2021, A had been threatening to expose Heo's private life through media and social media while demanding 300 million won ($225,000).

On Aug. 15, police referred A to the prosecution on charges of extortion and attempted extortion.

This article from the Hankook Ilbo, sister publication of The Korea Times, is translated by generative AI and edited by The Korea Times.


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