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Recovery efforts continue after heavy snowfall; gov't sets up support headquarters

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The roof of an agro-fishery wholesale market collapsed under the weight of two days of heavy snow in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province, Nov. 28. Yonhap

The roof of an agro-fishery wholesale market collapsed under the weight of two days of heavy snow in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province, Nov. 28. Yonhap

The interior ministry said Saturday it set up a task force to support snow-removal and restoration work in Gyeonggi Province and other parts of Korea reeling from the aftermath of heavy snowfall earlier this week.

The capital city, some of its surrounding Gyeonggi areas, and several other regions in the country had received a record-level of snowfall for November on Wednesday through Thursday, which caused casualties and property damage.

The task force will be in charge of extending support for evacuees, helping restore damaged facilities and giving administrative support to swiftly provide disaster relief funds to victims, according to the Ministry of Interior and Safety.

The ministry plans to conduct a governmentwide on-site survey, with which it will review the possible designation of special disaster zones.

Cities and counties in the southern part of Gyeonggi Province, in particular, were hit hard, with the city of Anseong reporting eight casualties and damage worth 35.2 billion won ($25.2 million).

"The government will make all-out efforts to support victims in a swift and practical manner in cooperation with relevant ministries and local governments," task force chief Lee Han-gyeong said.

In Gyeonggi Province, nearly 3,000 cases of facility damage were reported, and more than 400 people have remained in temporary or community facilities after being displaced.

The provincial government mobilized 2,639 officials and workers to clear snow in 11 affected cities and counties on Saturday alone, and checked affected facilities and other vulnerable sites, such as traditional markets, according to officials. (Yonhap)


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