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Hana Financial joins club of big donors

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Hana Financial Group Chairman Ham Young-joo, left, poses with Community Chest of Korea (CCK) Chairman Kim Byong-joon after the group donated 15 billion won ($10.4 million) to share with the underprivileged at the CCK's headquarters in Seoul, Tuesday. Hana has donated 113.5 billion won to the CCK since 2003, joining the club of 100-billion won donors. Courtesy of Hana Financial Group

Hana Financial Group Chairman Ham Young-joo, left, poses with Community Chest of Korea (CCK) Chairman Kim Byong-joon after the group donated 15 billion won ($10.4 million) to share with the underprivileged at the CCK's headquarters in Seoul, Tuesday. Hana has donated 113.5 billion won to the CCK since 2003, joining the club of 100-billion won donors. Courtesy of Hana Financial Group

Yoon Ja-young


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