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'Lone Star should let go'

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Park Sang-yong, the dean of Yonsei School of Business, is an expert in capital markets and corporate finance. A Ph.D from New York University, he held various public positions, including a non-standing commissioner at the Financial Supervisory Commission.

Below are his views on current regulatory and legal issues in the financial market.

On Lone Star Fund's sale of Korea Exchange Bank:
"It is nonsense that regulators are holding onto this case until now. The final decision is long overdue. The case is inflicting severe damage to the reputation of Korea. Lone Star should be allowed to sell KEB as soon as possible."

Private equity funds' bids on Woori Financial Group:
"PE funds are not the most desirable bidders but they should be considered as serious candidates. I also think a public offering of the shares can be a viable option, which will make the bank be operated like POSCO. Not every business needs a single master if it is run by a well-established system."

Charges on CEOs of 12 brokerage firms over ELW derivative trading
"Prosecutors went too far. When you want to accuse 12 CEOs of a criminal charge, then you need to have a very clear legal case to support it. But the logic of their argument is weak."

On general derivatives markets in Korea
"Derivatives should exist for wholesale traders. But in Korea, too many individual retail traders are engaged in derivatives trading and they are bound to lose money to institutional and foreign traders. We cannot completely ban retail traders from the market but we need to set higher entry barriers to protect them."


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