1917-U.S. declares war on Germany, enters World War I

1945-Massive kamikaze-attack on US battle fleet near Okinawa

1950-John F. Dulles becomes advisor to US Secretary of State Dean Acheson

1954-U.S. performs atmospheric nuclear test at Bikini Island

1968-94.5% of East German voters approve new socialist constitution

1972-Egypt drops diplomatic relations with Jordan

1991-Argentine soocer star Diego Maradona suspended for 15 month by Italian League for testing positive for cocaine use

1992-Serbian troops begin siege of Sarajevo

1994-Liberal Supreme Court Justice Blackmun (Roe vs Wade) resigns

1994-Palestinian suicide bomber kills 7 Israelis & himself

1997-Annika Sorenstam wins LPGA Longs Drugs Challenge

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