PM vows 'impeccable' gov't support till end of World Scout Jamboree

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo addresses an emergency countermeasures meeting of the 25th World Scout Jamboree in an administrative building in Seoul, Aug. 9. Yonhap

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo vowed Wednesday the government will provide "impeccable" support for the participants of the 25th World Scout Jamboree until the event's conclusion.

Han made the pledge in a government emergency response meeting on the jamboree, a day after about 37,000 teenage Scouts and adult volunteers from 156 countries evacuated the Saemangeum campsite due to safety concerns connected to the approach of the powerful Typhoon Khanun. The event was originally scheduled to take place in the reclaimed wetland until Saturday.

"The government promises to provide impeccable support until the departure of all Scouts. Although activities in the wetland of Saemangeum were cut short due to the typhoon, the jamboree will continue until the weekend," the prime minister said.

"Although there may be fewer opportunities to interact or experience (activities) with participants from other nations, the government will do its best to turn this situation into a new chance to experience the charm of Korea, also known as K-culture," he said.

Han also instructed government agencies to pay keen attention to the safety and needs of the participants, and ordered close communication and cooperation between departments to tackle any problems or safety issues during the event, especially ahead of the typhoon's expected landfall.

He also ordered strengthened patrols around some 130 facilities accommodating Scouts in Seoul and other regions while ordering police and firefighters to stand ready for any emergency situations.

Regarding a K-pop concert to be held Friday in Seoul as part of jamboree, the prime minister ordered the culture ministry and relevant government departments to "thoroughly prepare" quality content and audience control, so as to bring the event to a successful conclusion. (Yonhap)

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