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Photo exhibition sheds light on history, life in Qatar

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Korea Times President-Publisher Oh Young-jin, seventh from left, poses for a group photo with Qatari Ambassador Khalid Ebrahim Al-Hamar, eight from left, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries President Park Seung-yong, ninth from left, and Korea Times photojournalist Choi Won-suk, sixth from right, and other dignitaries at the opening reception for 'The Pearl of Qatar,' a photo exhibition at the Sharp Gallery in southern Seoul, Monday. The show is co-hosted by The Korea Times and the Embassy of Qatar in Seoul to mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Korea Times photo by Shim Hyun-chul

Korea Times President-Publisher Oh Young-jin, seventh from left, poses for a group photo with Qatari Ambassador Khalid Ebrahim Al-Hamar, eight from left, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries President Park Seung-yong, ninth from left, and Korea Times photojournalist Choi Won-suk, sixth from right, and other dignitaries at the opening reception for "The Pearl of Qatar," a photo exhibition at the Sharp Gallery in southern Seoul, Monday. The show is co-hosted by The Korea Times and the Embassy of Qatar in Seoul to mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Korea Times photo by Shim Hyun-chul

By Park Han-sol

One nickname that poetically captures the heritage and culture of Qatar is "Pearl of the Middle East," a nod to the country's rich history in pearl diving before the discovery of natural gas.

A photo exhibition pays homage to this moniker through its title, "The Pearl of Qatar," while putting its own twist on spotlighting the Arab nation's vibrant cultural landscape through the eyes of three documentarians from Korea and Qatar.

Co-hosted by The Korea Times and the Embassy of Qatar in Seoul and curated by The Trinity to mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the show uses the word "pearl" to lyrically encapsulate three themes of Doha: people, architecture and life.

On display at the Sharp Gallery in southern Seoul until Thursday are 21 works by Qatari photographers Yousuf Mubarak Al-Dosari and Abdulla Hamdan Al-Mannai, alongside The Korea Times' own photojournalist Choi Won-suk.

Qatari Ambassador to Korea Khalid Ebrahim Al-Hamar delivers a speech during the opening reception of 'The Pearl of Qatar' photo exhibition at the Sharp Gallery in southern Seoul, Monday. Korea Times photo by Shim Hyun-chul

Qatari Ambassador to Korea Khalid Ebrahim Al-Hamar delivers a speech during the opening reception of "The Pearl of Qatar" photo exhibition at the Sharp Gallery in southern Seoul, Monday. Korea Times photo by Shim Hyun-chul

"Choi Won-suk covered the 2022 Qatar World Cup football championship. Choi, an award-winning photographer, captured not only football at its finest moments but also modern life in the jewel of the Middle East," Korea Times President-Publisher Oh Young-jin said during the opening reception Monday.

"Last year, my dear friend Ambassador Khalid bin Ebrahim Al-Hamar and I decided to share some of Choi's photos with the public, believing it would deepen the friendship between our two countries. Now, two prominent photographers from Qatar have joined to enrich the exhibition with more diverse content."

In his speech, the Qatari ambassador highlighted that this first joint photo exhibition celebrates an important "beginning of new cooperation in the field of cultural diplomacy" as it brings "Korean visitors closer to Qatari culture and history, as well as modern Qatar."

In Choi Won-suk's 'Barefoot Boy with Soccer Fever' (2022), children of Indian immigrants play football near Flag Plaza, a landmark in Doha, Qatar, in November 2022. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

In Choi Won-suk's "Barefoot Boy with Soccer Fever" (2022), children of Indian immigrants play football near Flag Plaza, a landmark in Doha, Qatar, in November 2022. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Choi Won-suk's 'Scenery of Peaceful Daily Life' (2022) captures Muslim believers performing their evening prayers near the World Cup Flag Square in November 2022. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Choi Won-suk's "Scenery of Peaceful Daily Life" (2022) captures Muslim believers performing their evening prayers near the World Cup Flag Square in November 2022. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk

Choi, who documented the ethnic diversity of the Gulf nation centered around Islamic culture during the global mega sports event of the World Cup, shared that his creative motto is to "create extraordinary stories of ordinary people, rather than showcasing the ordinary lives of extraordinary people." Such philosophy is reflected in his dynamic portraits of daily life in Doha.

Meanwhile, through the lenses of Al-Dosari and Al-Mannai, visitors can journey through Qatar's blend of tradition and modernity. Their gripping shots depict the country's architectural landmarks, as well as the scenes of living culture rooted in heritage.

"It is beautiful to see the heritage of Qatar and Arabic culture from both the Qatari side and the Korean side. This combination is very nice," UAE Ambassador to Korea Abdulla Saif Al Nuaimi told The Korea Times after touring the show.

UAE Ambassador to Korea Abdulla Saif Al Nuaimi tours 'The Pearl of Qatar' exhibition, co-hosted by The Korea Times and the Embassy of Qatar in Seoul, at the Sharp Gallery in southern Seoul, Monday. Korea Times photo by Shim Hyun-chul

UAE Ambassador to Korea Abdulla Saif Al Nuaimi tours "The Pearl of Qatar" exhibition, co-hosted by The Korea Times and the Embassy of Qatar in Seoul, at the Sharp Gallery in southern Seoul, Monday. Korea Times photo by Shim Hyun-chul

Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Korea Sami M. Alsadhan underlined the wider significance of "The Pearl of Qatar."

"I think Korea needs more events like this to learn about the cultures of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. In fact, we are noticing more events here recently that bridge the cultures of the two regions," he said, referring to Saudi Arabia's participation as the guest of honor at last week's Seoul International Book Fair.

"This will help the growth of trade and investment between our regions. Culture and trade always work together."

Park Han-sol


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