Netflix's new comedy show, "Comedy Revenge," will showcase Korea's top comedians in a fierce race for the comedy throne. Hosted by the iconic Lee Kyeong-kyu, 18 beloved comedians will form six teams and compete in an all-out battle of hilarity once again.
The sequel to last year's groundbreaking comedy reality show, "Comedy Royale," was created after its winning team, led by Lee, chose to forgo their opportunity to launch an exclusive show on Netflix in exchange for another survival show aimed at revitalizing the comedy genre and supporting fellow comedians.
"I brought everyone together again, hoping this show will revive those who were eliminated in the previous season. Having experienced 'Comedy Royale,' I approached this with knowledge and am confident that we will showcase an even higher level of K-comedy," Lee said, explaining his motivation for creating the new comedy show, during a press conference in Seoul, Monday.
The 64-year-old comedian not only took the role of a host, along with his team members from "Comedy Royale," but also participated in producing the show.
In the previous season, the Meta Comedy team performed a "monkey mating" gag, which faced harsh criticism from fellow cast members and audiences due to its explicit depiction of mating. Now rebranded, the team is preparing for a significant comeback this season to restore its reputation following the controversy.
Lee emphasized the importance of relatability, stating that he wanted to ensure the audience could connect with the comedy.
"My junior comedians have successfully incorporated relatable elements, resulting in genuine laughter. Their unique personalities have also been showcased. I believe these factors combined create a fantastic program. Making people laugh is one of the most challenging tasks, but they have joined me in this endeavor, and I believe viewers will truly enjoy it," he said.
In this new season, those who narrowly missed victory in "Comedy Royale," along with rising comedians, will join forces to deliver upgraded laughter in a fierce battle for pride against veteran comedian Lee, who boasts a 44-year career. Comedians with large followings across screens, YouTube, and short-form content, including Park Na-rae, Lee Yong-jin, Hwang Je-sung, Kim Kyoung-wook, Kim Hae-jun, and Moon Se-yoon, are also part of the show.
The show's producer Kwon Hae-bom said the cast for the "Comedy Revenge" is incredibly strong and diverse and that the competition will be fierce.
"With the diversification of comedy through short-form content, YouTube and talk shows, the competition itself is very interesting. While 'Comedy Royale' focused on competition, this time we've tried to incorporate audience reactions to create more lively laughter. Even those who haven't watched the first season will be able to enjoy it," he said.
The collaboration between Im Woo-il, Kim Hae-jun, and Park Se-mi, who are favorites among Millennials and Gen Z, is highly anticipated. Producer Kwon teased that the "Hello Guilty" team's show will provide a fresh and youthful comedic experience.
He hinted that the team "Butler and Miss," a trio led by Kim Kyoung-wook, best known for his Japanese playboy character "Tanaka," aims to showcase the strength of short-form comedy.
"These three short-form comedy creators have over a billion YouTube views combined. This team is expected to create a viral sensation," the producer added.
The new comedy competition reality show will premiere Tuesday.